Newark Camera Shop has been providing photos for passports and visas since 1961.  You do not need an appointment (exceptions for a few countries below). Aside from the US and Canada, please bring the specifications you need for your photo.

We can do Passport, Visa, OPT, and ID photos of any size or type for all countries and organizations!  Both print and digital photos are available. We offer the best price and professional service in Delaware for official Passport, Visa and ID Photos for any country.

Standard 2 inches x 2 inches (51mm x 51mm*) per set of two printed photos: $15.

Digital photos are also $15; you can have a digital copy of your photo for only $5 with any printed set of photos (for example: USA digital and print both is $20.  Canada and most other countries would be $25.)

Any other size visa/passport or ID printed photo: $20 per set (a few exceptions below).  The number of photos you receive varies based on the size of the photo.  The minimum you will receive is two photos.  As an example:  Canadian passport photos are large, and you will receive two photos per set.  Chinese visa and passport photos are smaller, and you will usually receive six photos per set.  European visas and passports are usually even smaller, and you will typically receive eight photos per set.

You can order/request as many sets of photos as you'd like.

We are the only shop in the greater Delaware area that does Canadian Passport and Visa photos as well as Chinese Visa and Passport photos!

We are also the only shop in the area to offer digital versions of id or passport photos; available for $15. Great for OPT, green card applications, visa photos or any other id photo where you want a digital version for future use.  For $15, it's not a bad thing to have as a copy to print out later if you need it!

All photos are taken with a white background by default.  You will notice when you come in that the background is neutral grey.   This is a professional photography background, and it will provide a background of the color of the light we put on it.  By default, we use a white light.  Other colors are available upon request.

If you need a photograph that is not the standard USA government size of 2 x 2 inches, please bring the specifications of what you need with you (phone, tablet or print out is fine).  We may already be aware of the requirements, but other governments and organizations do change their specifications from time to time, and we would like to be sure of what you are requesting before we make the photograph.  We are not responsible for any mistakes in the specifications you give us.

Exceptions in regards to price and appointments are China, Australia, New Zealand, France, and Jamaica.  Each of these countries has special lighting or cut/sizing requirements for their photos, and therefore you will need to make an appointment (often possible on the same day or the very next day).  The price for photos for each of these countries is $35 per set (except New Zealand: see below).  Sets are six to eight photos.  Add a digital version for $5 more with any printed set.

General requirements for most ID photos:  do not wear a white shirt, blouse, coat or other top.  If you do, unless your background requirements are not white, you will be a floating head.  Off white or any other color clothing is perfect.  You will want to check with the requirements of the specific government in regards to clothing or headwear.  We will ask you to remove any glasses for the photo, and most all governments require a neutral expression.  If you look like a serial killer or criminal in your photograph, perfection has been achieved!

*Technical Babble:  Many people (and governments) refer to 2 inches as 52mm or 54mm.  2 inches is 50.8mm exactly, but we round it up to 51mm.